Alleviate your pelvic health issues, for good

Work with a specialized pelvic floor physical therapy expert to eliminate suffering from pelvic pain, bladder and bowel troubles, and pregnancy/postpartum or any other pelvic health problems.

  • All sessions are conducted one on one in a private, judgement-free, calming space instead of a busy gym space

  • Holistic treatment approach taking into account how your history, emotions, stress, diet, exercise, sleep and relationships affect your body

  • Highly specialized and refined assessment, and hands-on treatment techniques, which not only treat the pain/issue but find the drivers and causes so that it doesn’t come back in the future

  • You’ll be seen by someone with over 10 years experience in pelvic health with extensive training, certifications, and expertise — pelvic health is not just an add-on service

Patient treated on physio ball

Pelvic Health


This includes urinary and bowel incontinence, leakage, urgency and frequency; constipation; pain with urinating or bowel movements; pain with sex; difficulty with orgasm; pelvic pain including vulvar or vaginal pain, pubic pain and coccyx pain; as well as abdominal pain.



I can help if you’re experiencing any of a wide variety of symptoms including pain in the back, hip, butt, ribs, neck, pelvis, feet; or if you’re having bowel, bladder or sexual issues. I also see patients who would like help preparing their pelvic floor or pelvis for birth and labor.



There are so many issues that can arise after giving birth that physical therapy is well-equipped to deal with: things like prolapse, diastasis recti, pelvic or pubic pain, cesarean recovery, perineal tears, urinary leakage, pain with sex, and pain throughout the body.



I also have years of experience helping people mitigate the standard issues people come to physical therapy for, such as pain in the neck, shoulders, back, ribs, abdomen, pelvis, knees, or ankles and feet. Things like postural dysfunction and balance issues are also things we can fix together!

Get in Touch

If you have any questions or would like to see how we can help you, please reach out via phone/text, email, or our contact form.